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Wednesday, October 09, 2013
9:11:00 AM

Its kinda scary when i found out my bestfriend now weighs at 110kg! After 6months of marriage, he bloated up and gained 30kgs! He and his wife now are trying their best to scare me of gaining weight after marriage. Is the myth of gaining weight after marriage true? One will tend to gain extra pounds due to being happy and in love. To me, i can easily lose weight if i'm not attached. No, i'm not blaming my fiancee. What i meant was, if i'm single i don't go out that often and i would rather spend that time sleeping or going to the gym. I can't imagine what i will look like if after marriage. Well, thats still a long way to go. 2 years to be exact. The fiancee will be flying off in February next year for a year to work. I will have ample time to gain back some dignity. Hahahaha..

Friday, September 27, 2013
12:21:00 PM

Its been a long time since i climbed up the stairs. My thighs are now sore to the core after yesterday's fire drill. Can barely walk normally but love the feeling. Gyyyeeeaahhh!!!

Friday, September 20, 2013
7:35:00 PM

Bitch be like, "Its so gross to have a boyfriend with mustache but its ok to play with cats that has shit on its asses."

Thursday, September 12, 2013
12:46:00 PM

Was watching Pain & Gain trailer and came upon a part whereby a character said this to Mark Walhberg, "Salads are invented by poor people." Wow!! In the real world, not even the poor people eat salads. Salads cost at least $0.50 more than regular item/burgers at any fast food joints. Has anyone realised that? So, its a NO that salads are for poor peole. $0.50 makes a lot of different sometimes to a person's finance and not to mention, could cost alot more for a person's calories intake. Undenyingly, i made that mistakes too. We made bad choices of food and health most of the time just to save a few bucks. Which one would you rather spend on, more money on healthier food or more money on medications? Do the math.

Thursday, September 05, 2013
7:52:00 PM

Once in a while, its kinda nice to have someone from your past to drop by and hangout. It does bring back sweet memories and flashbacks from the yester years. Both of us are engaged with each other's partners now and its her wedding next month. All the silly behaviours and jokes. Seriously, i'm happy for her that she found someone to be with for the rest of her life. No, she was not my ex-girlfriend. We are never together. Just close friends. Who would have thought we still keep in touch for the last 14 years? Yar its been that long. 

Wednesday, September 04, 2013
4:52:00 PM

Its always about trust especially in a relationship. And it seems my fiancee's friends have some issues with me. I don't know what i did till they treat me differently compared to the first time i knew them. Everything was ok back then when the two of us are just friends but now, its so obvious they have agendas towards me. Leaving a negative comment that is so unnecessary on a pic or video, giving that kind of look whenever i was around and  comparing me to their boyfriends.

You girls think you did the damages on me. Let me lay out some things for you. One of them has a boyfriend who is studying and working overseas. You may think your boyfriend is so perfect, tall and handsome. Stop bitching about your long distance relations. The only reason that he's not coming back here not because its due to the high living lifestyle of Singapore but its because you're here. Think about it. The only time he's here is when he needs to visit his family and yes, he slotted you in his short schedule. Go ahead and dream about living abroad and stuffs. The keyword is dream. My fiancee and i are happy with what we have now.

The other friend. Seriously what is it that you are comparing me and your boyfriend about? Other than his physics which is just skinny, i don't see any other good qualities of him. I have a stable job and he's not. You are just another typical minah (Malay bitch). You got boobs but no brain. I know i don't meet my fiancee alot but when we do, we spend quality time together.