Its kinda scary when i found out my bestfriend now weighs at 110kg! After 6months of marriage, he bloated up and gained 30kgs! He and his wife now are trying their best to scare me of gaining weight after marriage. Is the myth of gaining weight after marriage true? One will tend to gain extra pounds due to being happy and in love. To me, i can easily lose weight if i'm not attached. No, i'm not blaming my fiancee. What i meant was, if i'm single i don't go out that often and i would rather spend that time sleeping or going to the gym. I can't imagine what i will look like if after marriage. Well, thats still a long way to go. 2 years to be exact. The fiancee will be flying off in February next year for a year to work. I will have ample time to gain back some dignity. Hahahaha..