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Sunday, January 20, 2008
4:48:00 PM

nuthin to update actually..jus dat i got few things on my mind dat need to be settled..Chalets, holiday trips, few new songs to be done and recorded...but its jus another year and another year its gonna be..
lets see how things are gonna be k?.....but hopefully it will be better than 2007...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
4:19:00 PM

Transform and Roll Out!!


for da past few weeks, i've been doin things dat i've never done before in my life...never did i do things so spontaneous in da past..now, i dare to take risks and gambled away my chances of winning out of da possibilities..however, i'm not tryin to be a racist but in my point of view, bcos of this gambling away and taking da risks attitude is wat made most of da chinese community so successful..think about it k?

hanging out wit Yang, Man, Ash and Sandra have been absolutely fun!! thanx guys and gals..yall're da Greatest!! last saturday went to Da Cave to get some stuffs, mostly STABS clothings (please do support locals)..actually, Yang wanted to get some stuffs but in de end, i got myself 3 tees, a pair of jeans, a hoodie and a new cap!! fuuuuu!! da next day, da same thing happened again..Arif wanted to recce ard for toys but i got myself not one but a pair of limited editions Transformers G-Shocks..DAMN!! Guess, i really take da reinventing of my clothings sense to a new level huh....

there's one thing on my mind lately dat bothers me alot..if u refer to an entry dat i posted in october, there's this gal dat i used to like...well, somehow, she's back in my life as a fren but wat scared me da most if dat da old feeling is coming back...even so, can i stand a chance? some of my frens said jus go for it.."OneDee, kalau matrip2 yang takde future can be wit her, why not u? U're not like those guys...Ur time will come..."... yar, my time will come..hopefully..

Monday, January 07, 2008
11:10:00 AM

Crazy People Out For Fun!!

Birthday Dinner wit Aisyah 040108

Thanx People..

hi yall...first and foremost, i would like to thank yall for those who did took a small portion of their time to sms me or even leave birthday wishes on friendster..it means alot to me..regardless of from new and old frens..25th birthday...sounds so old huh? but still young and joyous...hahhaha..nuthin much was happening on my birthday but special and memorable things did happened..Oh yar!! i forgot to thank Man, Ash, Yang, Sandra and Aisyah for spending time wit me on my birthday...love u guys and gals alotz!!

On my actual birthday date, was sittin at home wit no plans ahead in my mind actually til i got a phone call from Aisyah..she asked me out..wat a surprise!! so i decided to have dinner at 2HotHalalCafe @Esplanade...jus a simple dinner only which ended up wit her paying for it..Paisey sia..after dinner, we jus took a walk along da Riverside before settling down at StarBucks @Central for a drink and cake..well, da nite wouldn't be complete wit a camwhoring session..She jus loved playing wit my camera!! well, she's always like dat..can't help playing wit any new gadget of mine dat she never sees before..hahahah..Thanx Aisyah for makin my birthday a memorable one..
Da next day, i had dinner wit Man, Ash, Sandra and Yang at da Riverside..wait? At da Riverside? Didn't i was there da previous nite? it was like i could see my yesterday self walking along there sia..hahahahaha..we had dinner at this Indonesian restaurant..a 6meal course...perut mintak ampun sia..again like da previous nite, we walked along Clarke Quay after dinner..Da guys and gals went absolutely nuts da moment i took out my camera..wat?!! another crazy session of camwhoring? 2nites in a row? hahaha..but it was fun, full of laughter...dats wat i've been lackin of lately..okok..to end da nite, of course we had to celebrate my birthay @M.O.S!!! dance people, dance!! hahahhaa..

Thanx again..didn't i tell yall i will begin 2008 wit a BANG!? this is only da beginning..hopefully, there's more to come...

Wednesday, January 02, 2008
11:51:00 PM


well i think its time to reveal Da Werd of Da Year for 2007...da freakin werd is CONFUSED!!!! wahahahahahhaa!! why da werd? cos some ppl in my life are experiencing some difficult times and duh, they ended up CONFUSED!!! as a fren, i would gave them advices without any complaints cos dats wat frens are for rite? but as human beings, we are bound to be stubborn to face reality..so as a result, i have to introduce to yall da 2nd WERD of Da Year 2007 which is DENIAL!!! If u choose DENIAL, den dun bother to come to me for any help or sympathy..my home and hp number doesn't start wit 1800-HELP-ME!!!!! CONFUSED and DENIAL are like a special offer of unpopular brands of donuts or roti papa...Buy one, get one free....

Come on..its already 2008..jus face da fact and move on wit everyday life..if u are in a CONFUSED state, there's still help..DENIAL??hmmmm..i think might as well u give up on living cos seriously, there's no point of living..waste of time..time is precious..do spare a thought for those who had helped u and lets total up da number of hours they had wasted on u..IS IT WORTH IT? OR ARE U WORTH IT?


Tuesday, January 01, 2008
9:06:00 PM

Best Pic of Da Nite..

I would like to end 2007 wit a BANG!!

Rock wit me..Lean wit me..

well, its a new year..2008 finally come and i end 2007 wit some low and high notes in my life..made new frens while losing some of da old ones....but nevermind..dats parts and parcels of life..last nite was da countdown party @Woodlands..DaFam slot was superb..each one of us was really behaving like we are SUPERSTARS..coming late (dats includin me..ahhahahahhaha), overdressed clothings cos DaFam has been sponsored or should i say helping to promote our very own home grown brand, STABS from DaCave..frens dat i have never been seeing for da past couple of months was there..it was nice to see them..miss them very much...yesterday was da last performance of da year..come to think of it, thru out this entire year, i had more performances than during my time wit my old crew, LEGALIZE..after da performance, me and Yang went to my place to put my stuffs den head straight to M.O.S..it was packed wit ppl..once we got in, we really wonder if its really worth da 38bucks cos it was so packed and only got one drink..stayed thru out da entire nite..on da way back, bumped into some ppl dat i really dun recognised anymore..

i'm so addicted to gym rite now..lost 5 kilos so far..i dun see da differences in me but some ppl do say it..nah...well, if dats da case, i got 15kilos more to lose and i'm werking hard to achieve dat..2008..so wats my new year resolutions? every year is da same thing for me..but will it be any different in 2double o8? can da impossible ones be achieved?.....