Transform and Roll Out!!

well i think its time to reveal Da Werd of Da Year for 2007...da freakin werd is CONFUSED!!!! wahahahahahhaa!! why da werd? cos some ppl in my life are experiencing some difficult times and duh, they ended up CONFUSED!!! as a fren, i would gave them advices without any complaints cos dats wat frens are for rite? but as human beings, we are bound to be stubborn to face as a result, i have to introduce to yall da 2nd WERD of Da Year 2007 which is DENIAL!!! If u choose DENIAL, den dun bother to come to me for any help or home and hp number doesn't start wit 1800-HELP-ME!!!!! CONFUSED and DENIAL are like a special offer of unpopular brands of donuts or roti papa...Buy one, get one free....
Come on..its already 2008..jus face da fact and move on wit everyday life..if u are in a CONFUSED state, there's still help..DENIAL??hmmmm..i think might as well u give up on living cos seriously, there's no point of living..waste of time..time is spare a thought for those who had helped u and lets total up da number of hours they had wasted on u..IS IT WORTH IT? OR ARE U WORTH IT?
well, its a new year..2008 finally come and i end 2007 wit some low and high notes in my life..made new frens while losing some of da old ones....but nevermind..dats parts and parcels of life..last nite was da countdown party @Woodlands..DaFam slot was superb..each one of us was really behaving like we are SUPERSTARS..coming late (dats includin me..ahhahahahhaha), overdressed clothings cos DaFam has been sponsored or should i say helping to promote our very own home grown brand, STABS from DaCave..frens dat i have never been seeing for da past couple of months was was nice to see them..miss them very much...yesterday was da last performance of da year..come to think of it, thru out this entire year, i had more performances than during my time wit my old crew, LEGALIZE..after da performance, me and Yang went to my place to put my stuffs den head straight to was packed wit ppl..once we got in, we really wonder if its really worth da 38bucks cos it was so packed and only got one drink..stayed thru out da entire nite..on da way back, bumped into some ppl dat i really dun recognised anymore..
i'm so addicted to gym rite now..lost 5 kilos so far..i dun see da differences in me but some ppl do say it..nah...well, if dats da case, i got 15kilos more to lose and i'm werking hard to achieve wats my new year resolutions? every year is da same thing for me..but will it be any different in 2double o8? can da impossible ones be achieved?.....