Bought 12, gave 6 to aunt, mana pergi lagi 2? hehehehe...
i jus got back from town..chillin out wit da rest of Da Fam...jus for a while je cos have to return da car around 9plus..anyway, before dat, i went to adek Liqing's wedding at her place...felt a bit left out cos i dunno most of da ppl there..luckily for me, i came wit Ain..Stephanie and Wenyun were there too..Wenyun jus got married last week..hehehe..Everyone dat i knew at da wedding was givin me dat kinda face like, "wah wandy, u came huh?"...sheeesh...i USED to like her..i'm not obsessed wit her k...OMG!!! left there to send Ain to NUH and Wenyun tagged along wit me to town cos she's meetin her buddies there...Chilled out @YouthPark..Ayeesha came down...its been a long time i saw her...Jin was like teasing me, "Ar..part time sayang kau niari datang...hahahahah!!!!" kwangkwangkwang..i was rushing to get something to eat cos of time constraint..so me, Chaz and Ayeesha went to Lucky Plaza to have dinner..Ayeesha was craving for nasi ayam penyet..after dat, said gd bye to da rest and i sent Ayeesha home..i was too tired now cos i didn't get enuff sleep...last nite went to M.O.S wit Man and DJ Yanng...came back at 6am plus..now will sleep cos tmr keje untuk company yang takde peri kemanusiaan...hmmm..the clip video was taken @ da wedding...nice song!! lucky Liqing!!!..Yawnzzzzz....*Beruang walking slowly to his tiny room filled wit toys...*
and lastly, i present to yall my Marvel Legends Collections!!!
and there's still more to come guys!!! cheerios!!!
guess there's only 2 words to describe my weekend....Die Hard!!!! hahahaha...i was totally busy wit werk cos i was marked due to my poor attendance of overtime...now tell me, would u prefer a werkplace dat allows u to come back for ot on ur own timing or a werkplace dat forces u to come back for ot? come on!!! overtime sia!!! aku nye suke ar kul brapa aku datang...nak datang ke tak nak..but anyway, i was satisfied wit werk done..was alone solving a machine down and i did it all by myself..hehehehe...went back around 2.30pm and met up Arif to go get some toys @Gordon's...hehehehe...toys again!!! hahaha!! get da Hunchback guy from 300 and Spiderman Marvel Legends...met up wit Adam Chen, da Channel 8 actor to collect Omega Red Marvel Legends..hehehehe..after dat met up wit Syira @Vivo to watch Die Hard...POWER!!!! action packed all da way!!! but not as good as Transformers lah..i was totally shagged out after da show especially when i'm down wit a flu..this is like twice in a week i got a flu....something must be wrong wit me...something's missing i think...jus as i switched on da tv when i got home, da Autralia Music Award..my favourite band of all time , Silverchair won da Australia Video Vanguard Award!!! now makes me wonder if i should buy their latest album...i had planned something for da weekend..will be looking forward to it..DEFINITELY!!!