Wednesday, May 30, 2007
10:09:00 PM
Give Blood and Love to those who need it..
When was da last time u're at this place full of great memories?
"Should i go lower, sir?" Arif and his physio, Jessica..
woke up this morning jus to go to donate blood @outram..its been like 2 years since i last donated blood..i'm being a humantarian to day..hahahah...crap!! after dat met up arif to get some toys...hahahahha!!! again!! but did not buy any jus now..cos i bought another pair of shoes from da US which cost me like 450SGD..hehehhe..bumped into someone dat i wanted to avoid my entire nothing to do so i tagged along wit arif to SSC..he needs to get some physiotheraphy to get better..hope he will well soon...i know he will cos everyday he got to see those FRESSSSSSSHHH LEGS sia..hahaha..all those sports gals went to SSC also to get their physiotheraphy..Mak Kau!! they got da boys drooling especially when they came wearing those pathetic FBT shorts wit those kinda legs!!! not to mention when they do all those stretching positions dat no one could think of...mulut naik bertakung sia dgn, arif and arif's ACL fren, farid were like makin fun of the gals!! a bunch of public nuisance we were....Syira, arif"s gf got his bike's tyre puncture while heading towards his place..meeting da guys later to lepak..actually i'm kinda not feeling well...maybe bcos of tmr performance...CHAZ ALI and OneDee @PLAZA SINGAPURA STREETFEST 31st MAY 07 6pm!! catch it man!! or maybe bcos of something else i'm not kinda in da mood..
Saturday, May 26, 2007
11:37:00 PM
nuthin much happened today for my mum thought i went to werk but i went to jin's place instead to sleep b4 going out...i can't take it anymore wit this life upcoming performance for Street went out to Ngee Ann City to catch dear Brenda performed..its been awhile since she last catch lor..i got no mood to talk cos some ppl jus dunno to come on time..kata dah keluar rumah but 4hrs later, still blum macam punye orang nak kena disambar petir sia..Tmr will be werking straight til saturday..feel like i might as well give up on certain things in life dat i wanna achieve..anyway, here's Brenda's performance clip..enjoy!!
Friday, May 25, 2007
11:05:00 PM
well, i haven't been updating my blog lately..maybe malas..maybe takde benda nak update..hehehehe..yesterday and today were great!! went out wit arif after a long time not going was jus a guys day out kinda gf to tag along..hahahahah..da main purpose was to go for toys hunting..hehehehe..bought only one figurine..budget babe but bought 2 tees and one long sleeve shirt for any special day..we were like small kids looking for toys at China Square, Far East Plaza and Peninsular Plaza..Arif wanted to get Planet Hulk but da shop was closed we went today to get it..Dat shop was like getting alot of profit cos its selling things at a high price..damn!!! can get cheaper online..dats wat i usually shopping..furthermore got supplier for marvel toys..much more worth it lah..yesterday, we saw this sweet gal werking at city hall mrt control station..she's da frenly type, well, she looks like least she smiled back at us when we smiled at, we smiled at her again and she was like smiling again but abit like more excited lookin..hahahaha..flirtin je..we dun intend to get to know her..arif dah attached and me, i dun really think i can get to know her lah..before meeting up arif today, i was at Da'Cave, chilling out wit Zul and Albert..had a great time laughing our asses off wit stoopid jokes dat no one could ever think abt..and of cos we had to stick to da 3sec rule if u wanna make da other party embarassed..hahahaha...reserved some tees and bought da last piece of Stabs New Era Cap..hehehe..Come On!!! there's only 140 pieces of it in da entire world!! have to get my hands on one of it man!! i dun wanna get myself a fake one dat is available at....well, u know where it is..Suckers Try Too Hard...hahahaha..will be collecting da toys on da 7th..looks like christmas have come early this year!! hahahaha!!
Friday, May 18, 2007
8:44:00 PM
maybe i should jus get this out of my chest..ok ppl, jus wanna let u know..i really dislike and surely will condemned ppl around me dat always keep buggin me whenever, they need something so badly..especially abt u really regard someone as ur frens when da only time they contact u is when they needed money? macam sial kan..lagi2 kalau orang tu is werking and earning big bucks..we should know our expenses limits eventhough kita has money...duit tu anytime boleh carik and anytime boleh habis..actually i dun mind lending da cash if i have it..but i will only allow it if da reason is appropriate..but if i found out dat u told me a lie like," aku nak pinjam cos nak bayar bill"...but later pinjam cos they went out gi enjoy like clubbin, gi minum, gi pangkeng and etc...please lah..kalau takde duit, buat hal takde duit!!! bak kata pepatah, "besar periuk, besar lah kerak nye" or "mengukur baju di badan sendiri"...think abt it ppl..sheesh..
8:38:00 PM
I jus dunno why but i'm starting to feel dat i miss her..miss her alot though..
8:09:00 PM
jus got back from redeeming my Air Jordan 5 Green Bean..Yes, i bought another pair of shoes again..heheheh..bought da 300 Frank Miller graphic it at a price of $35 cos i bumped into Junhao..he had membership at KinoKuniya and he offered me to use his membership card for discount..too paisey ah cos its been a long time since we met but stiil used it bad news..might not going overseas to watch Man Utd cos Junhao starts school in now, its on hold for me..takkan nak gi sorang kan? so guys and gals, siapa2 nak accompany me sila call ye? hehehehe...Chaz called me..his tee is not exactly nicely fit for him..might be redoing it wit him..i'm feeling very, very tired now..dunno lah..maybe cos i got nothin to do last nite although i went out wit Man, went to JB, as usual gi makan and chilled out to catch up on things..lepak kat Esplanade to talk abt things..especially abt some problems dat i'm facing rite now..Man's a great listener..i could really talk abt anything wit him..he understands wat i've been goin thru for da past few years, especially regarding da matters of da heart....thanx Man..i'll pray for ur future and ur happiness..its his gf's birthday today..Happy 21st Birthday Carmilla!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
6:52:00 PM
ok2..finally i will update my blog...these are da few events dat have been happening ard me..i had my hair done again..heehhe..not get my hair done like gals but i high lite it again..abit darker..i love it!! Almir aka Amir got engaged ..he's da first guy out of da guys from secondary school years to get engaged..diam2 lepu budak ni..wat was ironic is dat da previous nite before Man informed me abt his engagement, i had jus leave a comment at his Friendster's Profile like, "Eh bila nak jumpa? tak kan nak tunggu ader orang tunang baru nak gather?"....hahahahhah!!! went to his place wit Noor Bogeh, met Hafree there..wat was shocking only da 3 of us are his frens from secondary years while others are his matrip frens..mati ah!!! after dat met up wit Jin to get some back home, sleep and werk starts on sunday as usual..i made a new fren this week, Ishak ToyMan..hehehehe..he actually collects and sell action figures..i told him i got 2 sets of da Juggernaut Series VII and he told me not to sell it cos its at least worth a few hundred..ask him whether he could get for me 300 King Leonidas 12" action figure..will be selling to me once he got it which is like next ladies and gentlemen, its official, i'm not only collect shoes and caps but also action figures!!!...i was actually lookin forward for tmr's plan..but jus like da SAF, things are subjected to be changed in da very last min..She called saying its her first day of werk and couldn't make it...i had to call off some reservations but its ok...Awak nye first day at werk kan? i dun blame u..some other time i will have da whole day tmr and da day after it to myself..will try to sit down somewhere to write da lyrics for da songs dat need to be completed..takkan nak lepak kat Da Cave lagi kan? tgk lah macam mana keadaan ye..
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
10:01:00 PM
latest edition to da jordan collection..
hmmmm, should i or should i not? hehehehhe
finally, tmr my day off..met da guy selling da jordan 17 jus now..a fast plan for tmr: will gi kubur jap, den proceed to jb for my haircut and some dvds..hehhee..hopefully, Brenda can make it tmr for a meet-up since da photo shoot cancelled already...Jus called up Junhao, asking him whether Man Utd coming to SG for their Asia Tour 2007 but they're not..So junhao suggested we go to Macau to catch The Red Devils!!! hehehehehe...i have been a Red Devils Fan since i was young..took after my late dad...but will have to see da budget dat we will work out lah..if too ex, den gdbye but if ok, well...MACAU HERE I COME!!!! hahahahah!!
Sunday, May 06, 2007
9:54:00 PM
Dun pull my pants when i'm on stage k( u know who u are..hahahahaha)

Putcha Ls Up!!! wonder why Chaz smilin so much? heheheh
Week In Review
its a hectic week overall..was down wit flu on wednesday...haiz...on friday, Da Fam was invited to perform at Temasek JC. Its was a hell of a show but some of us like Flip, Jid and Chaz didn't get a chance to perform cos our slots are cut short...Damn!!! but bayaran harus dibayar penuh yar..hahhaha...da crowd was supportive although we performed our original tracks..I was amazed by da kids nowadays..some of da gals look like as if they are abt my age...mak bapak dorang kasi makan apa ni?! Chaz's GF came down too..she was also an example of overgrown kids!! hahaha jus jokin!! thought she was much older than her actual age..Da Resurgence team came down too, to help us out wit taking our pics during da performance..Thanx Resurgence!! hehehehehe...after da show, we chilled out at Bedok Mac for dinner cum supper..da rest of Da Fam went back while me and Jin met up Chaz, who went to send his Gf home, at town..didn't plan anything, jus wanna chill out but in de end, we watched Spiderman3 instead..Da verdict for da movie : Great fighting sequences, too much CGI and too rushing plot for a 2and a half hr show..i jus watched da show to look out for VENOM. he might be a villain but he's way much cooler than spidey..but i didn't expect dat kinda ending for VENOM..da movie end at 2am plus, so we decided to chilled and wait for 1st train...merepek!! ade duit tak nak naik cab...finished up my verse for NOTHING CAN STOP ME NOW when we chilled..FINALLY!!! but still i need to complete Brenda's back home, slept de entire day..woke up, went to queensway to get da tees for Da Fam..went to west coast to have dinner wit da back home, tak leh tido..i only slept for 2 hrs den woke up for work..there goes my weekend..lame...hey, Chaz if u're reading this, its not dat i dun have confident. i'm jus waiting for da rite time k..hahahaha
Friday, May 04, 2007
2:09:00 AM

in case yall dunno..this is da next shoe dat is on my shopping list..heheheh..i'm into white and green nowadays!!! hope jin got some lobang for it...hehehehe..i maybe a shoe-fanatic or shoe-freak but yall have not seen my BMT buddy, Lan aka Straze/Silverbomber!!! he had all Air Jordans, still in made and good conditions!! i envy him but i have my limits for collecting shoes!!
1:46:00 AM
you can say watcha like, but i ain't a gangster...hahaha
Mine is 1985...wats urs?
i was down wit da sickness since yesterday..i was on MC til today..went to da company doctor to get some medicine and got an MC..dat motherluvin doctor usually dun give MC but he gave me one yesterday..amazing!!! maybe i do look sick, especially wit a red nose and messy hairdo..hahahah!! got online once get home and went to did i thought of buying a pair of shoes when i saw a pair of Jordan 1 is on sale..grabbed it and picked up from da dealer this evening..i had no intentions of buying new shoes or shopping these few months but my eyes are attracted to it once i saw up, might be buying Jordan 5, da one dat is in white and green..hehehheheheh!!! tmr, will be performin at Temasek JC for some talent showcase..Da Fam will be performin too..So guys!!! Please perform ur best!!! U might never know who will turn up tmr!! hahahaha!!! (actually i know lah eh) hahahhaha!!!
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
10:24:00 PM

last 2 weeks i went out wit these gals, my ex sch mates from my primary school years was weird cos i'm not da talkative type in those periods but da whole nite i was entertaining them wit jokes..Wal joined us a while later..da main purpose of da gathering is actually dat Hasniza, da gorgeous one, jus got engaged..haiz another one of my fren getting ready to end their singlehood..bila pulak aku nye turn????
9:38:00 PM
da botak birthday boy..No!! not da one wit da fan!! da one wit da bluetooth set lah!!!

it is Zaidi's birthday today but da celebration was yesterday at Downtown East...i was driving da car when i received a msg from bulat, "Kau drive tapi tak nak tumpang arif?"... i called arif earlier but he decided not to go due to his injury...actually, i borrowed da car from my kuzzin cos i thought can tumpang arif and pick up his gf, Syira from i make a big U turn and picked him up..wit him by my side while drivin, there's no way i'm gonna get lost again(cos i was lost when i received da sms from bulat)..hahhahahah!! reached there around 8..ain, shakir, syiqin, and luqman are already there..standard ah...datang bukan saje dgn tangan kosong, perut pun kosong..hahahha!!! da birthday boy was like a boy on da eve of christmas waiting for santa when all his frens come..we went off around 11:30..was driving when shakir nye tangan gatal gi tukar da song on da stereo..he actually turned on to "Shake Yer Body"!!! mati ah!!! ain was like singing away da chorus part since bulat put on da song at da chalet..malu nye aku!! she actually said she liked da song!! its almost 12 and they all switched to RIA to listen to ghost stories but we were like almost reaching ain's i decided to show da guys where i worked..there's a small temple near da carpark at a very small creepy corner and i stopped da car..everyone was like forcing ain to get out but we know dat she scared from dat expression of hers..hahhahahahha!!! after sending ain, i sent da guys home den proceed to kuzzin's place to return da car..totally shagged out man..but still i have to go to work this morning...(back to day shift)