Friday, March 30, 2007
12:30:00 AM

i didn't go to work this morning cos i was up all nite thinkin...i made someone pissed off on msn due to da fact we cancelled our date over some reasons...guilty i felt deep inside..first thing in da morning, i msged her dat i would picked her up from sch at 5 but she didn't i spend half of my day waiting for her to reply...felt dat i wasted for not showin up for my da only thing i'm looking forward is to meet up wit da rest of DEL STELLARS to discuss our upcoming projects including DA FAM's compilation launch and etc, etc, etc. around 4pm, Liqing called me up, asking if i'm free for dinner..yar, at least someone asked me out...ok guys, i know wat yall i still have feelings for her? come on, of course i did but its not da same kinda feelings dat i used to have for her back den..we grew maturely to be great frens..someone dat i can relate to when i'm up or even da deepest down..we have been meeting up like once every month since october..i will stop meeting her when she gets married k and dat time will be soon..gave her dat corny tee dat i bought for her in KL, "THIS GUY BESIDES ME IS MY BROTHER!!"... yar, dats wat we are..she's my little adek and i'm da big abang..heheheheh..thanx adek for being a fren all this while but most importantly for making me feel i'm existed in this world and in ur life...had dinner @BOTAK JONES..she had a fish and chips set while i had a burger wit cheese set, no forgettin we shared a caesar salad too..couldn't finished up da fries..too full lah!! on da way sending her to da MRT satation, we bumped into my mum...HISTORY CHECK : my mum doesn't like her!!! in fact, my mum doesn't like any of my female frens!! well, Liqing made my day and i dun give a damn wat my mum's gonna say when i get back supposingly so called date finally msged me back, saying dat she forgot to bring her celly to sch..but she wanted to meet up eventually..its ok..i dun blame her for not meeting up, maybe wat i said last nite labelled me as a jerk..Awak, i'm really sorry..i really wanna go out wit time? i promise..anyway i still owe u an ice cream kan? went to jin's place for da meeting..cleared up certain issue dat need to be settled..Jin's mum ordered pizza for us!!! Kiwak!! perut mintak ampun!!! after wat i had for dinner wit Liqing, i still have to eat these!!! anyway, Alhamdullillah nye...kadang2 rezeki tu mendatang bila tak dicari..hee..
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
10:51:00 PM

i still feel very tired although i had spent da whole day yesterday resting...i can see it in shaik's and muhd's eyes at work..WE'RE DAMN TIRED!!!! although it was suppose to be a holiday and a shopping trip, most of our energy was being used up..i still haven't unpacked everything from my back..penat k!! anyway, i jus got back from my company's bb pit @the chevron..thought jus tunjuk muka den chao but stayed for almost an hour..kangwei gave me a ride home..dats lucky for me...thanx bro..will be doing nite shifts for da next 2 guys, if u wondering dat i will be avoiding or menghilangkan diri from yall, yall're wrong k..will be spending my day time sleeping and carik duit khemah at nite(merepek)..hahahahhaah!!!
Monday, March 26, 2007
10:57:00 PM
Outside of Sungai Wang Plaza
@KLCC after dinner @chili's
Headin to Da Clubhahahaha.i'm Back from KL!!!!! it was one hell of a time..i would give it 7 outta 10...1point minus for da lame crowd @zouk, 1point for no clubs played any rnb music in KL and another for a stoopid sales person @sungai wang!!! touchdown in KL @2330, checked into Radius hotel, changed and headed straight to Jalan P.Ramlee for nite life but all clubs are packed man!!! almost went into nuovo but lucky me and shaik asked them wat nite it is cos most of them dressed up funny..Gosh!! it was GAY NITE!!! kiwak!!! nasib baik tak masuk!! da second day was a shopping day for us..went to BERJAYA TIME SQUARE, get ourselves into a mess when we took a ride in this thing called DNA mixer..muhd and me thought it was jus a starter ride but once we took it, it went crazy like a roller coaster!!! bought a few things for frens and family..but most of it are for myself lah!!!! hahahhahah!!! we enter this shop @Sungai Wang Plaza dat is selling hiphop clothes..i was looking at da new era caps dat they are selling when one of da sales person approacehed me..asked me where i get my new era cap dat i was wearing..he took a look at it and was telling me it was fake!! Excuse me!!! ur caps in da shop Were Obviously Fakes!!! kiwak..den he walked to his collegues telling them everything on me is fake!! stoopid budak kampung wit tatoos tryin to be hiphop when u speak wit kampung slang!!! had my blood boiled over it!!! had to go to zouk although i dun like da music..there's this group of indonesian chinese of the gals was DAMN HOT sia!! Tak leh angkat!!! hahahah!!! overall, it was an OK trip lah, after 5 years being stucked in SG..should go overseas often..maybe Bangkok for da next trip..Here's a list of stuffs dat i bought:1. 3 Bathing Ape Tees @BERJAYA TIMES SQUARE2. 1 Tee for Liqing3. a pair of Adidas shoes!!!! heeheheheheh.. =P4. 4 Sets of kain for mum's and aunt's baju kurung..5. a Gol&Gincu VCD..hahahahaha!!!6. 2 Fred Perry Shirts.7. 2 Stussy Tees.
Friday, March 23, 2007
12:18:00 PM
Hmmm...tried to add up links myself for da past 20mins..yar leaving for KL in 3 hours time and i still haven't pack my bag yet..tak tau nak bawak aper..did i bring enuff shirts for da trip? i think should bring more..hahahah..lets jus hope i'm not gonna be like those tourists dat came back wit huge bags of shopping stuffs from overseas...hee..Chaz got to be a combat medic..Looks like he'll be putting his weights back soon!!! Hahahahahah!! well got to go now..need to wash up, have lunch and tidy up this desk..adios..
12:05:00 AM
Finally, Chaz msed me wat time we watching movie..Watched Stomp The Yard jus now @Plaza Singapura..da movie had jus one word to describe it..Great!! Now i'm at Bukit Batok Mac wit jin..he's selling his beats now..yar, i have problems coming up wit ideas for new songs recently..harap2 otak nie tak jam foever...i really need to luahkan rasa hati ini kepada nye..and da only way i wish is thru a song..not dat i'm a jiwang guy. i jus want it to be special. eventhough u're not mine, i won't forget those times we used to chat on da phone, going to window shops, movies and stuffs...i jus hope she meant every single word abt us still being frens..i dun want sympathy to be da main reason dat she said she's still be my fren...
Thursday, March 22, 2007
1:09:00 PM
Putcha Ls Up Soldier!!!
its been like almost 2 weeks i last updated my blog..nothing much have happened recently dat i could proudly say have been interesting...tried to catch Stomp The Yard wit Da Fam but no one is life, practically have been tiring due to da fact of me tryin so hard to go for most of my overtime dat i have scheduled for this month..Penat siol!! however, had spent some times wit my colleagues watching The was a nice movie but too bright and colourful for a horror movie though...yesterday, went to Chaz's Passing Out does bring some fond memories of my army days in tekong..da uniform, da team and platoon spirit and definitely da bau busuk of sweating recruits recaps me of wat its like to be in da army..Chaz was like telling everyone of his platoonmates dat i am Seargeant OneDee( da sergeant in Half Left Down track)...hahahhahahha!!! com' on, i'm jus a lance corporal back in those days...wat's important, ORD OH!!! hahahahaha..there's some ppl dat i would like to apologise actually..i know i have not been livin up to my promises, its not i can't be bothered..sometimes, i'm too occupied and tired after all my work..u know i'm not da kinda person dat only talk and no action..i will back up my words wit results..too stressful mum keeps bothering me wit all those things like,"Tak Tau Nak balik eh?", "Dah pukul brapa nie?!", "kau Keje Ke tak?!". its like she tryin to control my life..well, its obvious lah..i'm not da fav son so why dun she jus dun be bothered abt me..i'm damn freaking 24, not 14 or 12..when i was young, she kept sayin, "Blum bawak balik duit, dah kurang ajar!!!"..Now. i'm werking and bringin back Gs!! why i can't have my life?!!!! i nedd some privacy and space!!! Leaving for KL tmr wit my colleagues..Da Plan, have fun til we dropped dead!!! for now, waiting for Chaz's call to proceed watchin Stomp The Yard!!! ok..out...
Monday, March 12, 2007
12:57:00 AM
OneDee, Kasswan, Khai
Bulat, OneDee, Syira
Bulat, OneDee, Kasswan
Well here goes my weekend..went to da bank b4 goin to werk to get my ATM card replaced..heheheh..after werk, my colleagues were like askin to join them @SaintJames but i was not totally into da kinda da music dat was being played there. Should go somewhere better..So I msged Kasswan if he and da rest have any plans for da nite..and of cos he have plans cos its his freakin birthday!!! yay!!! it will be a hell of a nite and yes it did!!! hahahha..Zaidi picked me up and went to his place to get changed..we met bulat and kasswan @LauPaSat b4 headin to M.O.S..hahaahha!! Like usual, da guys drank except for me..well, i'm not a drinker k..muka je nampak jahat..while waitin to go in and waitin for khai to arrive, i was shocked to bump into my distant cousin, Mai. She was also headin towards M.O.S!!!!! and man, she's ALL GROWN UP!!! ahahhahahah!!! wat was more shocking is dat we bumped into syira!! and she's without arif!!! hahhaha..dah pandai..she's there wit yan and his female cousin, ekin..hehehehe..It was a hell of a nite!! really enjoyed myself and i haven't had such a great time for a long time!!! was too damned tired to go to werk da next day..i drank too much fruitpunch til i got my throat sored!! hahahha..had to take mc but da day was wasted cos i slept da entire i wish i could do this often..i mean having a great time ..have decided not to go KL maybe til november although i need a peace of mind.. =P
Friday, March 09, 2007
10:05:00 PM
its been 2 days tak keje...went to jb to get some dvds wit bulat yesterday..had a haircut and ate lunch at kenny rogers..there's this waitress there dat ushered us to da table and took our orders..while eating, biasa lah lelaki, we were talking abt her like jokes and some stuffs, she was like smiling and looking towards me..hahhahaha..(muka tak tau malu)..bulat doesn't realise this. Shockingly, she came to da table and asked if we need anything duh!! No!! but bulat almost wanting to say, "Can i have ur Number?"....Oklah, she's sweet but i have no interest in herr..lucky, tak tanye for her number..Bulat got saman in jb for throwing his cigarrette butt anyhow..In my mind, mana ade orang kena saman in jb? Nie semua rasuah nye Nite, went to catch 300 wit da guys..Da movie was great!! but i expect more of da ending..thought could go clubbin after da show but takde kaki nak headed home straight..Well, dats a for today went to da IT show at suntec jus to get a 4GB memory card for my PSP and an external hard disk..but this lil stoopid dumbfuck brain of mine got a bulky hard disk drive(although its 320GB) and plus more, it needs to be connected to a power cold is not really recovering well..seems like now is da season for holidays..2 galfrens of mine are on their way to Malaysia as i'm typing rite now..i wanna go away from here lah!!! so many problems!!!! My ATM card needs to be replaced and i can't transfer savings to my other account..looks like have to enter keje late tmr jus to get my new card..
Monday, March 05, 2007
11:18:00 PM
having a mental block now..i can't jus have 2 tracks aje kan, 1 wit alt and de other wit Chaz..Listening to da tracks now dat i'm gonna make wit Brenda, tryna get some inspiration..sorry B, i promised i get it done soon k my dear. still, da track wit Flip is remained untouched. I need some ideas man!!! Damn, hate this hard times..i'm not so used to go solo since da foundation of Legalize..miss those moments..
Sunday, March 04, 2007
10:47:00 PM
wat a boring day @ work..asyik kena mark je...nvm, dat won't make me quit anyway cos i'm not stupid..there's this colleague of mine dats gettin on my nerves..semua nak betul..well i only got 2 words for hi....WORLD PEACE!!! gettin much meaningless when no one is by ur side..only had a pau for lunch. Must Lose Weight Programme must be on schedule for me..hehehhe..i dunno when to shave off my untidy beard..most ppl say its ugly like shit!! Shockinly, one of my aunt said its cool sia..k lah, dah nak tido..adios..
12:32:00 AM
Bulat Jus msged me...KL Trip Cancelled...DamN!!! now i got nothin to Look forward to..exvept for catchin 300..thought can get out of here for once...dunno lah..looks like have to go wit Plan B. wait!! wats Plan B eh?.nvM will come out wit somethin good..yar, Man ajak gi BataM..hahaha!!!
Saturday, March 03, 2007
11:48:00 PM

FeeLin2 JamaiCaN
haiz...Jus got back home..there Goes My SaturdaY..boring..da onLy happeNing thinG is at Flip's place..wheN Reached his Place, i realised dat his older Sis was My ex-coLLeague at CBTL.hahahah. Wat a smalL world!!! Chaz Recorded a tracK for His OC NiTe and i had a Part( Playing as his SerGeant In da GimmiCk)hahahahah!!! Celine den joiNed us at JuronG Point For diNNer..i was tryin to save up and cut dowN on My expenseS but Celine ReveaLed dat sony ericssoN came out wit a Green ColouR Hp..daMN!!! i'M all abt GreeN stuFFs rite Now..hahaha!!! Took This Pic In da ToiLet..hahaha!! sorry Flip, kau kena tunGGu kat luar for a few mins..luv daT jacket But I can'T wear It often..macam malaS nak Keje bsok..its gonna Be sunday and i haveN't enJoy my weekend sey..da wesT coast gang kata nak gi supper But till Now, No Updates..haiz..No offenceS, but they have their own lives aNd kadaNg2 aku tak Nak disturb Them..but hope they Dun forget abt me....maklum Lah aku Nie still single kata kan.. hahaha..K going to bed sooN..shit!!!! aku Buat tea But bluM minuM!!! adios!!
12:56:00 PM
Well, its Saturday again...yawnzzz.tak gi keje lagi cos woke up late.(come On, its mY ot Sia)..Last nite wenT jb Wit Man..Thought can get Stomp The Yard Dvd..ade lah But stoopid Shops all copy it from Tv version..Dunno wat To do Today, meetIng Chaz to go to Flip's Place for recording..its apai'S birthday today..will drop by for awhile lah. TunJuk muKa je..hehehe..hoPe my KL trip goes accOrding to plaN. I really need To rUn away from cerTain things In my Life Rite Now..K lah, need to carrY on working out..hahaha
12:53:00 PM
Friday, March 02, 2007
6:18:00 PM
just testing..